email marketing

Key Reasons Why Brands Are Fully Embracing Email Marketing

Emails are the best method of communication to promote your company and products. Indeed, people are surfing on social media all the time. But there are more email users than all social media platforms combined. It is the fastest way to reach the most amount of audience. Click here to preview verified B2B contacts and …

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11 Unique Ways to Use Outbound Email

Email is nothing more than a digital channel for communication. While you can use cold email for outbound sales, there are countless other ways you can apply the email channel to different parts of your life or business. Whether you’re an employer, employee, entrepreneur, or freelancer, the skills of effective outbound email communications can have …

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8 Subject Line Tactics for Higher Email Open Rates

Aside from your name, a subject line is the first text a recipient reads in an email inbox. Among hundreds and sometimes thousands of emails every week, your outbound emails have to rise above the crowd (with less than 100 characters of text) before buyers ever notice you. Unfortunately, email marketers often overuse the same …

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5 Key Elements of Effective Cold Messaging

Cold email is more than keywords, personalization, and templates. Cold messaging for outbound sales is hard because your solution and outreach will generate different results based on market positioning, competitors, buyers, sales process, and more. While templates and formulas are a great way to start a cold email campaign, you’ll gain more control over your …

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Cold Emailing? Think Anatomy, Not Templates

  Cold email is popular for outbound sellers. Thousands of tips, resources, and templates have emerged in the space to make cold emailing accessible for everyone. Unfortunately, most great developments in the B2B sales and marketing space quickly get diluted by bad practices, misuse, and overemphasis on quantity and automation. While cold email was a …

Cold Emailing? Think Anatomy, Not Templates Read More »

6 Must-Have Cold Email Testing Processes

Outbound selling is unpredictable. Outreach channels like cold email are flooded with endless solutions, conversations, bad actors, and everything in between. Even a high-performing outbound sales strategy will degrade as buyers, competitors, and environments evolve. To stay competitive, you need a way to keep your outreach relevant. The solution? Testing. With a repeatable process to …

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cold email deliverability

13 Steps to Cold Email Deliverability: How to Setup, Warm-Up, & Launch

Hundreds of millions of emails every day never reach their target recipient. In the past, email deliverability was a matter of proper infrastructure setup, watching volume levels, and maintaining a healthy email list to prevent bounces, spam traps, and spam reports. However, today’s challenges are more complex: modern spam filtering is sophisticated and uses sending …

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Outbound sales processes operate like machinery cogs

3 Reasons Why Outbound Sales Needs Testing

Advice is everywhere in outbound sales. Gurus, thought leaders, and reps regularly broadcast approaches, trends, or tactics as the next best magic bullet to generate outbound leads and close deals. Cold calling? Just grab a phone list, use the latest script or approach, and call away. Cold emailing? Just get an email list, use the …

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