is it legal to buy email lists

Is It Legal to Buy Email Lists? Best Tip & Practices

Email marketing can be a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes to reach new customers, build relationships with existing ones, and increase sales. However, before you can start sending emails, you need to have an email list. One way to acquire an email list is to purchase one. But is it legal to buy email lists?

The answer is yes, it is legal to buy email lists. However, there are some rules and regulations that you need to follow if you want to avoid getting into trouble.

The Legality of Buying Email Lists

In the United States, it is not illegal to buy email lists. However, some laws govern how you can use those lists.

So, what are data privacy laws and what do they do?

Data privacy laws are legal frameworks that set rules for the collection, use, storage, and sharing of personal data. These laws, which vary from country to country, regulate how information is gathered, how data subjects are informed, and what control a data subject has over their information once it is transferred.

In the United States, California was the first state to pass a data privacy law, which was modeled after the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 is a law that regulates commercial email. The CAN-SPAM Act requires you to do things like identify yourself in your emails, give recipients the option to unsubscribe, and not send spam.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a law that regulates the collection and use of personal data in the European Union. The GDPR requires you to get consent from people before you collect their data, and it also gives people the right to access their data and to have it deleted.

  • The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003

The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 is a law that regulates commercial email. It requires commercial email messages to:

  • Have a clear subject line that accurately describes the contents of the message.
  • Identify the sender of the message by including the sender’s name and physical address.
  • Include a way for recipients to opt out of receiving future messages.
  • Do not use false or misleading headers or subject lines.
  • Not send more than one commercial email per day to a recipient who has not opted in to receive multiple messages.
  • Do not send commercial emails to people who have asked not to receive them.

The CAN-SPAM Act also prohibits sending spam, which is defined as an unsolicited commercial email that is sent to a large number of people.

  • The importance of compliance

Complying with international email regulations is crucial for businesses that engage in email marketing.

Non-compliance can result in spam complaints, loss of reputation, and even legal action. By adhering to the laws and regulations of the countries where their email recipients reside, businesses can ensure that their email marketing practices are ethical and legal.

It not only protects businesses from potential legal consequences but also helps to build trust with their subscribers and maintain a positive brand reputation.


To ensure compliance with legal regulations, businesses must carefully consider their email marketing practices. While there are concerns about the legality of buying email lists, when done responsibly and in accordance with best practices, purchasing email lists can offer significant benefits.

1. Choose a Reputable Email List Provider

When considering purchasing email lists, it is crucial to choose a reputable provider. Look for providers who specialize in quality, targeted lists and have a track record of complying with legal and ethical standards.

LimeLeads stands as a trusted B2B email database solution, catering to the needs of sales and marketing teams striving to boost lead generation and drive successful deals.

When it comes to buying email lists, LimeLeads offers several reasons why it stands out as the top choice:

  • Free trials without credit card information
  • Targeted lead generation with advanced filters
  • Expert support from lead generation professionals is available seven days a week
  • Cutting-edge validation technology for real-time data quality assurance
  • Competitive pricing with customizable plans suitable for businesses of any size
  • Exciting discounts for new clients and free cold emailing courses with comprehensive content
  • Adheres to legal and ethical standards in email marketing

If you’re looking for a reputable and reliable source, LimeLeads is the best option. LimeLeads ensures businesses maintain a reputable and compliant marketing approach by sourcing data through legitimate channels and adhering to anti-spam laws and regulations.

2. Verify the Legitimacy of the Email List

Before purchasing an email list, verify the legitimacy of the list to ensure compliance with legal regulations. Confirm that the list has been obtained through lawful means and that subscribers have given consent to receive marketing communications.

Reputable providers will typically provide proof of consent or opt-in records, demonstrating that subscribers have willingly agreed to receive emails from third parties.

3. Update and Cleanse the Email List

Once you have purchased an email list, it is essential to update and cleanse it regularly. Remove any bounced or invalid email addresses to maintain a high deliverability rate and minimize the risk of spam complaints.

Regular list hygiene helps ensure that your email campaigns reach engaged recipients who are interested in your offerings, improving the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

4. Tailor Email Content to the Purchased List

To maximize the benefits of a purchased email list, it is important to tailor your email content to the specific audience you are targeting.

Craft personalized and relevant messages that resonate with the interests and needs of the subscribers on the list. Segmentation and targeted messaging can help improve engagement rates and drive conversions by delivering the right message to the right audience.

5. Include Clear Opt-Out and Unsubscribe Options

To comply with legal regulations and respect subscriber preferences, it is essential to include clear opt-out and unsubscribe options in your email communications.

Provide recipients with a visible and easily accessible way to opt out or unsubscribe from future emails. Honoring these requests promptly demonstrates your commitment to compliance and helps build trust with your subscribers.

6. Monitor and Respond to Feedback

Maintaining compliance with legal regulations requires ongoing monitoring and response to subscriber feedback. Regularly monitor your email campaigns for spam complaints, unsubscribe requests, and other feedback.

Promptly address any issues or concerns raised by subscribers and take appropriate action to rectify the situation. This proactive approach demonstrates your commitment to compliance and can help prevent potential legal complications.


is it legal to buy email lists?


Reasons Why Should You Buy Email Lists

While it is important to note the legal and ethical implications of buying email lists, there are a few potential reasons why some businesses may consider purchasing email lists.

Here are some reasons that are sometimes put forward:

1. Access to a Relevant and Targeted Audience

Buying email lists provides businesses with access to a pre-qualified and targeted audience. Reputable providers offer carefully curated lists that align with specific demographics, interests, or industries.

It means you can connect with individuals who are more likely to be interested in your products or services. By reaching a relevant audience, you can increase the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and achieve higher conversion rates.

2. Rapidly Expand Your Reach

Building an organic email list from scratch can be a time-consuming process. By purchasing email lists, businesses can quickly expand their reach and connect with a larger number of potential customers.

It can be especially beneficial for startups or businesses looking to enter new markets or launch new products. Instead of starting from zero, buying email lists allows you to kick-start your email marketing efforts and accelerate your growth.

3. Boost Brand Awareness and Visibility

Email marketing is a powerful tool for increasing brand awareness and visibility. By purchasing email lists, you can introduce your brand to a wider audience who may not have been aware of your existence.

This exposure can help establish your brand in the minds of potential customers and create opportunities for future engagement. As your brand becomes more recognized and familiar, you can build credibility and trust, leading to increased conversions and customer loyalty.

4. Strengthen Lead Generation Efforts

Effective lead generation is crucial for business growth. Purchasing email lists can complement your existing lead-generation efforts by providing a fresh source of potential leads.

By leveraging targeted lists, you can identify prospects who have already expressed an interest in products or services similar to yours. It allows you to focus your resources on nurturing these leads and guiding them through your sales funnel, increasing the chances of conversion.

5. Save Time and Resources

Building a quality email list requires significant time and resources. By purchasing email lists, businesses can save valuable time and redirect resources to other critical aspects of their marketing strategy.

Rather than investing in extensive lead generation campaigns, you can leverage pre-qualified leads provided by reputable email list providers. It can be particularly beneficial for small businesses or those with limited marketing budgets, allowing them to achieve rapid results without exhausting their resources.

How Many Cold Emails Should a Business Send Per Day?

The optimal number of cold emails to send per day can vary for each business. It’s important to be aware of your email provider’s daily sending limits and to gradually increase the number of emails sent over time.

One approach is to start with 15 emails per day for a new email address and increase by 10-15 emails per day over a period of 16 weeks, as long as open rates remain consistent.

Is It Ok To Use Many Sending Email Addresses To Send Cold Emails?

Yes, using multiple email addresses to send cold emails can help you avoid reaching your email provider’s daily sending limits and can also help improve deliverability by spreading out your sends across multiple domains.

However, it’s important to ensure that each email address is properly set up and warmed up before sending cold outreach.

The Challenges of Sending Cold Emails & Best Tips

Cold Emailing is one of the most popular ways to reach out to potential clients and generate leads & sales. Marketers need to be aware of the challenges to allocate their energy, time and investment efficiently to make the most out of their cold emailing effort.

The followings are some of the most popular challenges associated with cold emailing, and the best tips to overcome these hurdles.

  • Getting your emails opened: With the high volume of emails sent daily, it can be challenging to get your emails opened. To increase the chances of your emails being opened, it’s important to have a compelling subject line and to personalize the message to the recipient.
  • Avoiding spam filters: Spam filters are designed to block unwanted emails. To avoid having your emails flagged as spam, it’s important to follow best practices for email deliverability such as using a reputable email service provider and avoiding certain trigger words or phrases.
  • Getting a response: Even if your emails are opened and not flagged as spam, getting a response can still be difficult, especially when cold-emailing people who don’t know you. To increase the chances of getting a response, it’s important to provide value in your email and to make it easy for the recipient to respond.
  • Building a relationship with your audience: Cold emailing is harder than most communication because you have no relationship with your audience yet. To build a relationship with your audience, it’s important to personalize the message to the recipient and to provide value in your email.
  • Modifying your approach without non-verbal feedback: When sending cold emails, you lack non-verbal feedback, so you can’t modify your approach in real-time. To overcome this challenge, it’s important to track your email metrics such as open rates and response rates and to adjust your approach accordingly.
  • Personalizing the message: to the recipient involves considering who the person is, their perspective, their interests, and their needs. By doing so, you demonstrate that you have made an effort to understand them and tailor your message accordingly. This also helps to clarify why you are contacting them specifically.
  • Validating yourself to the recipient: involves establishing your credibility and trustworthiness. When someone receives an email from a stranger, they want to know who the sender is and why they should care. One way to establish credibility is by mentioning a mutual connection, as this provides a strong form of social proof.
  • Keeping the message short, easy, and actionable: The opportunity to help someone is very enjoyable for a lot of people. However, if the request is too long or complicated, it can be overwhelming and result in no response. Keeping the message short, easy, and actionable can increase the chances of getting a response.

Cold Emailing Done Wrong, What Are The Possible Consequences?

If cold emailing is not done correctly, it can have several negative consequences. These can include low rates of email deliverability and open rates, poor quality leads, and wasted time.

Additionally, if cold emails are perceived as spam, it can harm the sender’s reputation and result in their emails being blocked or filtered into spam folders. To avoid these potential consequences, it’s important to follow best practices for cold emailing.


The legality of buying email lists varies depending on the country and its specific laws and regulations regarding email marketing. While the United States’ CAN-SPAM act doesn’t prohibit the buying of email lists, other countries such as Canada and Europe have more stringent laws that require explicit opt-in permission from email recipients.

Complying with international email regulations is crucial for businesses that engage in email marketing, as non-compliance can result in spam complaints, loss of reputation, and even legal action. By adhering to the laws and regulations, businesses can ensure that their email marketing practices are ethical and legal.