auto repair leads

Auto Repair Leads | Lead Gen & Why You Should Try Cold Email

What are auto repair leads?

Auto repair leads are defined as people who are working for shops that provide repair services for vehicle owners.

These people have the power to make purchase decisions and are usually business owners if the shops are small scale.

If the shops are auto repair brands that have many branches across the US or in the world, auto repair leads can be the businesses’ executives. These could be CEOs, CTOs, CFOs and managers.

When generating auto repair leads, you must prioritize collecting such higher-ranked positions so that you can generate sales faster.

Who needs auto repair leads?

Auto repair shops certainly need tools and automotive components to run their services. Auto repair leads are the people who will make the final decisions to purchase them.

In bigger auto repair businesses, they may also need to buy other services as well, such as bookkeeping, accounting, legal or HR.

Companies that sell products or services that the auto repair businesses need will need access to excellent auto repair leads.

Good auto repair leads will help your business generate sales or close deals effectively.

Which is the best way to generate auto repair leads?

There are several ways to produce good leads. A lot of businesses out there are still sending salespersons to auto repair shops in order to build relationships and sell their products.

However, this traditional way is costly and quite outdated. Today, with the booming of the Internet and social media, you can generate a lot of excellent leads very fast and effectively.

But there’s a catch, you will need to master technology and a few digital marketing software. If you’re into software and tech devices, you can learn how to generate leads on the Internet quickly. But if you’re not tech-savvy or don’t have time to learn new skills, buying leads from a good B2B leads database is a good ideal.

If you can choose a great lead provider, buying leads is probably the fastest and most affordable way to generate excellent leads.

There’re a few things you need to keep in mind when searching for a good leads database:

  • They offer free trials, no credit card required
  • They have excellent support to help you go about their platform
  • They have some sorts of refund policies
  • They have discounts for first-time users.

At Limeleads, we provide all the above-mentioned and more. Limeleads will allow you to test our data and services as much as you want before making a purchase. We ensure you’ll get the best value for your money.

Just sign up for a free account and get free trials. Credit/ Debit card is not required.

Should I employ cold email for outreach?

The answer is YES. Here’s why

Cold Email is cheap.

Compared to other outreach strategies, cold email is probably the cheapest. If you use a specialized email marketing software to schedule sending cold emails to many recipients, it only costs you several dozens of dollars per month.

If you send only a few cold emails per day, you can use free software (usually Chrome extensions) or sign up for a basic plan that doesn’t cost you any money.

Cold Email is effective when done right

Cold Email is the most popular strategy to reach out to prospects.

Cold Email has a conversion rate of 1-3% which might be low at the first glance. However, Cold Email allows you to reach out to so many more prospects very quickly compared to other outreach methods such as cold calling.

This rate is significant especially when you are selling expensive products or services. However, you’ll need some knowledge to implement proper cold email campaigns.

If you purchase one of our plans (you’ll be given a 60% discount), you will be gifted with a $79 in-depth cold email course free of charge.

The course includes:

  • x7 Videos of Expect Interviews
  • x7 Downloadable Interview Transcripts
  • x6 Downloadable Guides/Worksheets
  • 9,476 Words of In-Depth Overview

Cold Email helps grow your audience.

For any recipients that replied to your emails but didn’t buy anything from you, they can become a valuable source for your business.

They can spread the word around, and by the mean of referral, they can bring you new clients.

Even if your business is all about blogging, your audience can help a lot. They will help you rank your content better on SERPs by being a frequent reader and that helps make the content more reachable to your prospects.

Cold Email requires the least manpower

With cold calling and the traditional way mentioned earlier (visiting stores to build relationships), you will need to employ at least several people to make it work.

With Cold Email, you will only need one qualified email marketer to perform an effective cold email strategy. That saves you a lot of money!

Hope this guide helps you with your effort of leads and sales generation. If you need anything else, feel free to reach out to us via or our live chat support!